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Just setup my new dribbble profile.
I just setup my new profile on Dribbble. The URL is: https://dribbble.com/lionelwayne I am also looking forward to exploring this site and see what it can offer. Lionel
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Just setup my new BEHANCE profile.
I just setup my new profile on Behance. The URL is: hhttps://www.behance.net/lionelwayne I am looking forward to exploring this site and see what it can offer. Lionel
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Lionel on Linkedin.com
Well no professional social media profile would be complete without having something on linkedin.com. Far be it for me to miss yet another opportunity for fame on the web. :). This is the site I use for professional networking! LIONEL”S PROFILE ON LINKEDIN.COM You may find me on...
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YouTube with Lionel Wayne – my video channels.
Here is where you can find Lionel on YouTube. Well this is really a work in progress. I have not had this account for very long and I am just setting it up. I hope to have some interesting content on it very shortly. If you want to...
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Twitter with Lionel Wayne please stop by for a tweet!
OK so any one want to tweet? you can hear and follow me on twitter right here. TWITTER PROFILE https://twitter.com/nuts4trucking Do follow me and send me a tweet “Hello” Regards, Lionel
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Facebook with Lionel Wayne
You can find me on Facebook too! Actually you will find me a lot here. In fact I have my own profile as well as a number of fan pages. Here is the list 🙂 FACEBOOK PROFILE LINKS https://www.facebook.com/lionel.poizner https://www.facebook.com/kawartharentals https://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-Help-Internet-marketing/1485735044980814 https://www.facebook.com/royaletoronto https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wellness-4Life-4Health-Toronto-Canada-by-Lionel-Poizner/669557129770962 Now since you are here...
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